Boosting immunity for prevention of ketosis
A healthy start of the lactation is required for good milk production and reproduction. Unfortunately, dairy cattle show increased incidence of both metabolic

Seaweed, whether they are green, red or brown, are an abundant, under-used resource in helping reducing the use of antibiotics.

Dairy cows use microbial protein, coming from the rumen, Protein products, based on soy and rapeseed can be a cost-effective way

Tackling pre-weaning mortality through better gut performance can lead to improved calf health and future profits.

No matter where a farm is located, its size or housing facilities used, all dairies have one thing in common: replacement heifers represent future success

Maize seed is a science that has evolved to a great extent over the last decades, especially since the introduction of hybrids.

The cattle disease nagana, also called African animal trypanosomosis, is caused mainly by 2 parasite species: Trypanosoma vivax and Trypanosoma congolense.

With dairy farmers under pressure financially they have to account for every cent when it comes to the cost of milk production.

The Université de Sherbrooke in Canada and Bayer have joined forces to develop a vaccine against bovine mastitis.

Indian researchers studied an herbal nutritional approach to deal with ketosis in dairy cattle. The results have been published in The Journal of Veterinary

The amino acid methionine can enhance the survival capacity of embryos, when added to the cow’s diet during the prepartum and postpartum periods.

The face of a cow can tell a lot about her behaviour and can help in improving the farm

In alpine regions cows are often equipped with bells. But how do cows experience wearing these bells? Swiss researchers delved into this issue.

A group of Dutch researchers have set up the Happy Healthy Cow project to develop a sensor for cows that can promote their health and welfare.

A new research project aims to reduce methane emissions from dairy cows by up to 25 per cent. This benefits not only the environment, but also arable farmers

Today's top livestock farmers state that weighing livestock regularly is an integral part of proper animal farming; procedures are simple and the modern

Researchers, academics and scientists are all excited by the possibilities of precision dairy farming but what does it really mean for a farmer today?

The most recent answer to this question contains an unexpected twist based on recent research that may change the way we view, manage heat stressed cows

A new vaccine developed by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists with USDA can help prevent a reinfestation of cattle fever ticks in the United States

In terms of animal health, to manage a company with 400 cows demands much more effort than a sole proprietorship. Some of the growing farms have a grip on this