Watch the spring nutrient gap
Fresh green grass is a welcome sight come spring. However, early spring grass with limited growth or volume should be approached with caution

Heat stress in dairy cows carries a price tag. A combination of warm, humid weather can cause heat stress and reduce milk production and fertility

Milk producers all over the world are always looking for ways to increase feed intake pre partum, decrease metabolic and infectious threats, increase milk

The Total Bacterial Count (TBC) is one of the main reasons for reduced milk quality. Even in UHT milk, bacteria that are killed by heating may have produced

What is the effect of a partial substitution of soybean meal and corn grain with field peas in dairy cow diets?

On average, it is harder to keep animal diseases under control on large-scale dairy farms.A systematic approach is therefore needed to improve the health status

Eradication of bluetongue is very difficult and mass vaccination, followed by sensitive surveillance systems, will work best according to EFSA.

We still have a lot to learn when it comes to mastitis. Better knowledge on which bacteria are present in the udder, in combination with novel ways how to reach

An improved water quality leads to an increased milk production and better animal health in dairy cattle. Water is often an overlooked nutrient

Dairy producers are being reminded to pay close attention to nutritional requirements during peak lactation, to avoid losses in body condition score (BCS)

With the added value of high energy and high digestibility for dairy cows. However, mycotoxins can have a detrimental effect on the quality and value.

In turn, these healthier animals spend less time in the sick pen (even during the vulnerable transition period), require less treatment and produce more milk.

There are only a few cattle breeds in existence that have no horns naturally but now American scientists are developing the trait within Holstein cattle.

Dairy calves fed milk from cows treated with antimicrobials have a higher probability of excreting resistant bacteria through their faeces than those who aren’t

Many dairy farmers are familiar with the CowSignals concept. A recent addition to this training method is stress-free stockmanship.

When this is low, an enzyme can be added to the feed to boost degradability and hence animal production, fertility and herd profitability.

When we look at the challenges facing modern high production dairy farming we think of feed utilisation, reproductive success and animal health

The forage team of ARVALIS-Institut du végétal, a French applied research Institute, studied the maize cutting height and its effect on digestibility in further

What factors determine if newborn calves are getting enough colostrum? This depends on the cow and the quality of the colostrum

A new biological treatment could prevent dairy cattle from getting uterine diseases, researchers from the University of Florida found