Cows of a different color: Hybrids let dairy farmers produce milk with fewer resources
Some local dairy herds are changing color and getting shorter. That's a good thing, according to a man who consults with area dairy farms.

A further shift from suckler- to dairy-bred beef, greater emphasis on carbon credentials and solid demand are the key forecasts for the beef sector.

Start using a post-dip with a higher level of emollients to protect, heal and soften teat skin.

Agricultural business specialist Brent Carpenter and livestock specialist Gene Schmitz looked at how current prices affect winter feeding costs for several

Trade in Asian coffee markets in Vietnam was sluggish amid post-holiday sentiment, while stocks in Indonesia remained low, traders said on Thursday.

Clay supplements may improve feedstuff degradability in dairy cattle diets.

Current precision livestock farming applications for managing dairy cow health are often slow in identifying diseases.

Dried grape pomace provides a cheaper alternative fiber source for beef feedlot cattle and may improve growth performance and carcass attributes compared

Precision feeding can take the sting out of a drought, according to Dr Chris Landman, a feed specialist and consultant. Roelof Bezuidenhout reports.

US forage quality challenges could hinder livestock feeding and reduce body condition if mitigating steps to provide additional nutrients are not taken

Research shows degree of inbreeding depression higher for dairy cattle with more recent ancestors versus multiple generations in the past.

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences is focusing on developing a feed additive from regional seaweeds to reduce methane production and improve dairy cow health

Supplementing beef cattle diets with nitrate and canola oil lowered methane yield and daily methane production but it does not alter the flow of microbial

USDA reopens proposed rule on amending origin of livestock requirements for dairy animals.

Bonding pen experiences produce a better livestock guardian dog (LGD). Bonding pens are fenced pastures where dogs bond with the species of their future charges

Use of fruit and vegetable residues also reduces burning of byproducts in field.

Supplementing transitional Jersey cow diets with oregano extract may improve social behavior, feeding rate and dry matter intake along with production

Researchers have been eavesdropping on 'conversations' between calves and their mothers—measuring the process of how cows communicate using detailed acoustic

Research at the University of Sydney has shown that cows maintain individual voices in a variety of emotional situations.

Increasing the neutral detergent fiber digestibility of sugarcane silage may boost intake and improve ruminal passage of fiber in feedlot-raised steer