Managing early fruit set in peppers
Peppers are relatively easy to grow when conditions are suitable. If not, taking the necessary precautions will avoid some problems.

When you are just starting to grow your own potatoes, there many potato pests and diseases which are potential enemies of the potato which you should know about

As noted last week, the balance between fruit set and leaf volume can have a major effect on the yield and bearing pattern of a pepper plant

Where strawberries are grown for exhibition, or to produce extra fine berries for the table, there is nothing to beat the mound or ridged system

Basic fertilisation for capsicums should be adjusted according to a good soil analysis. If you don’t do this, you’ll waste fertiliser and perhaps exacerbate

Capsicum seedlings need to be treated differently from other kinds of seedling.

The usual way to grow chillies and peppers is to plant the seed in cavity seed trays with a good growing medium.

The pungency or ‘burn’ of a chilli is the result of a complex combination of capsaicinoids that have a different effect depending on which are present

Whether dealing with chillies or peppers, you should know what your market requires before choosing a variety.

This week, we take a look at the most important Capsicum species. Some of these vary a great deal from each other, while a number share similar characteristics.

Carrot fertilisation is very different to fertilisation in other vegetable crops. It’s crucial to understand this when evaluating a soil analysis prior

There are approximately 22 species of Capsicum, of which five are grown commercially. However, some of these can be crossed with one another to produce differen

There are two type of cactus plants: desert and forest. The desert varieties are the ones most commonly seen in garden stores and many are hardy in all types

Peppers belong to the Capsicum genus (family Solanaceae). It’s when we come to common names that things get confusing.

Food preservation is a time-honored tradition that allows the abundance of the fall harvest to be saved for the winter months.

Peppers can be a little tricky to grow. So, even if you have a garden, you might want to grow your peppers in containers

In addition to those already discussed, there are other pests likely to be a problem with Swiss chard from time to time. Let’s look at three of the most common

It’s become a tradition for gardeners faced with weed problems to pull out the herbicide spray and cover the unwanted weeds in chemicals

With Swiss chard, the cork-like ‘capsule’ that you plant is actually the fruit, which contains up to four seeds.

Swiss chard is our best-known spinach. It is also known as ‘spinach beet’ and is the same genus as beetroot so the two varieties readily cross with each another