Organic Gardening Tips For Raised Beds
Raised bed gardening is one of the best ways to get healthy, high-quality vegetables with less work and space than traditional row gardening.

Farmers have long been advised to use standard fertiliser mixtures for crops as a matter of course.

Garlic is a good choice for organic gardens throughout North America. Like onions, garlic is a cool weather crop; it requires cold in order for the bulb

When it comes to vegetables, choosing the right nitrogen fertiliser is extremely important. For many US agronomists, ammonium sulphate is the fertiliser

Although Japanese yews are technically classified as conifers, they don’t produce cones, but female specimens bear red berries.

Vegetable growers frequently ignore the relationship between nitrogen and organic matter when deciding on the amount of nitrogen to apply to a crop

If your vegetable garden is overrun with pests, the first step is to identify the invader. Snap a photo of the pest and compare to others on the internet

Instilling the importance of careful handling of fruit and vegetables is not as simple as it might seem.

Beans, which belong to the legume family, are some of the most popular vegetables grown in the home garden. In fact, beans are right behind tomatoes in populari

The inability of soil microbes to convert ammonium to nitrate at a soil temperature below 10°C has caused reduced yields in winter without farmers understanding

One of the most popular of the non-traditional heirloom varieties of tomato, the Cherokee Purple grows to both great height and gives fruit of large size.

The effect of nitrate leaching. The area close to the sprinkler receives more water and the nitrogen leaches out.

Almost everything that applies to growing ‘normal’ carrots falls away when you plant for the baby carrot market.

The area is well-known for its citrus and potatoes, which seem to occupy all of the limited, open flat spaces available.

As with most commodities, presentation of the product has a disproportionate influence on the price received.

This week, I want to look at three other diseases that are very similar, but may need different products to keep in check. These are Cercospora, bacterial leaf

When it comes to leaf blight, there are three species of Alternaria that carrot growers have to watch out for: A dauci, A radicina and A alternata.

Carrots are not attacked by many pests, apart from eelworm. Nonetheless, there are a few pests that can prove a problem.

Your carrot crop is looking good. You can almost hear the money cascading into your bank account. Then you harvest it – and all that profit vanishes.

By far the biggest carrot pest is the root knot eelworm (Melodogyne spp). In many other vegetable crops, these nematodes are not much of a problem