Growing Strawberry Plants – How to Grow Strawberry Wall
If you want something different try a strawberry wall. This is a very efficient way of growing strawberries, particularly in a small garden

It is every vegetable farmer’s dream to produce a higher yield per hectare and have the same yield winter and summer. Jacques Claassen visited an innovative let

The lack of organic education resources, soil fertility and weed challenges along with transition period risk are some of the main hurdles to further expansion

Husband-and-wife team, Miki and Cathy Clark, knew nothing about farming when they began their small-scale herb production operation on 1,2ha of land five years

David Leslie and his son James use vermiculture to keep their potato, bean, maize and soya crops healthy – and it’s paying off. Gerhard Uys visited them

New technologies used to improve fruit and wine production efficiency, thereby reducing input and other related cost.

Technical manager for the SA subsidiary of ADAMA Agricultural Solutions, integrated pest management is the only sustainable solution to this problem.

Creative use of mechanisation is one of the reasons for his success. Glenneis Kriel spoke to him about his production methods

Five Mpumalanga apple farmers have pooled their resources to establish their own packhouse, but each producer is independently responsible for producing

“The strawberries have been our saving grace this year,” says Mandy Aukamp of the Berrynice Berry Company near Molteno in the Eastern Cape.

No-till may be a sustainable and cost-effective crop production system, but it comes with challenges of its own.

Sixteen years ago, Vredendal farmer, Wilfred Stephan, suffered severe damage to his table grape crop due to birds

Legumes are members of the Leguminosae family. Among vegetables they are represented by various peas and beans

Several pests are a potential threat to capsicums. Not only can they damage the crop but they may be vectors for destructive diseases.

This vegetable, which is rapidly gaining in popularity, is especially useful to the gardener with little space, for it may be cooked as an ordinary cabbage

Spotted wilt can be devastating in a land of peppers, but need not be if the correct strategies are adopted.

Bacterial spot is easily prevented in capsicums, but once in the land it is extremely difficult to stop.

This is another versatile brassica, whose varieties give crops throughout the year. It is quite suitable for small gardens if you are growing cabbage

One of the most difficult diseases to control in capsicums is powdery mildew.

Preparing a vegetable garden not only involves preparing the soil, sowing, planting and top dressing