Measures Against Downy Mildew On Tomatoes

Scientists are doing a good job of selecting tomato varieties that are resistant to manna, and new chemical remedies are emerging.
No one, however, can guarantee that the disease will not appear again, and not everything in the market is in the pocket of the ordinary gardener.
The mana develops after long foggy weather, rains and even at high humidity, especially when night temperatures are lowered. It is often transmitted from potatoes, so it is also known as a potato pancake. If the plants are grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse, it is very important that it is well ventilated and that the air is dry, because at high humidity and high temperature the pollen in the tomato colors is sterilized and the colors fall off. Under such conditions, mana appears very quickly.
The disease affects all above-ground tomato organs. The stems and leaves of the leaves appear in the form of spots, usually elongated, which often merge. The leaves themselves kill gray-brown patches of irregular shape, which in wet weather are covered with white fluffy oily grease. The inflorescences blacken and the seashells dry. On the vegetables themselves, there are fuzzy brown spots, which gradually expand and cover the entire surface.
To prevent the onset of the disease, it is necessary to apply preventive measures first. Begin before transplanting into the soil – seedling is sprayed 2 times in 10-15 days with various preparations, for example with copper chloride and bordereaux solution. Strong and strong plants are more resistant to mana, so it is desirable in the transplant to drop a spoon of superphosphate, mixed well with a land. Two weeks after transplanting it is sprayed for the third time, and if summer happens rainy, it is necessary to spray with fungicides at least 2 more times.
A copper wire with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm can also be used for prophylaxis against the mana. Cut into lengths of 2.5-3 inches long and the tomato stems are drilled midway at a distance of 5-10 centimeters above the ground. This operation takes place 10-15 days after transplantation of tomatoes into the open soil when it is believed that they are already well trapped.
However, if the mana is still caught in the plants and the vegetables are already ripe, the chemical spraying can not be applied at all. That’s why gardeners take advantage of old folk money.
1. Ingredients of garlic. In 10 liters of water, a glass of crushed garlic is poured (for this purpose the cloves can be put through the meat grinder) and 1 gram of potassium permanganate. The resulting mixture is left for one day and ready to use.
2. The Russians also use Kefir’s solution – a liter of fermented beverage for 2-3 days, in 10 liters of water. The solution is sprayed for 10-12 days.
3. Experiments conducted with the drug used in humans, metronidazole, which has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties, has shown strong results in tomatoes. If the vegetables are processed several times a season, mana does not appear at all. The recipe is simple – 20 tablets of metronidazole are dissolved in 10 liters of water and the tomatoes are sprayed once every 10 days.
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