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How to Grow Tangerine from Seed in Domestic Conditions?

How to Grow Tangerine from Seed in Domestic Conditions?
Tác giả: Home Gardening
Ngày đăng: 03/07/2017

Tangerine is a very effective potted plant.

And not only because of the bright, aromatic and delicious orange fruits that can be preserved on the tree for several months, but also because sometimes the plant is a delight because of its flowering – delicate white flowers, emitting the wonderful aroma of mandarin. Some varieties bloom in the spring and their colors can be preserved throughout the year. The tangerine grown at home is a work of art.

To plant mandarin, you will need her seeds that you can get by buying a few mature mandarins from the store. In order to succeed in your activity, collect a larger set of seeds (at least 5-10), as not all will be able to germinate.

Then you must peel the seeds. To do this, wrap them in gauze that has been slightly moistened with water for several days.

It is best to buy soil for planting directly from the store. It should be special for citrus fruit, but generally, any other soil for light-colored plants is appropriate. For example, if you mix equal parts of peat, leveled foliage and compost, the mandarin will certainly be pleased. The peat-based mixture does not necessarily need to buy it. Do not forget about the need for drain holes.

To grow mandarin, it takes a long time. The first visible seedlings appear after two or three weeks and sometimes even after a month.

Tangerine generally grows very slowly and sometimes even stops its growth. But if you do not lose hope and enthusiasm, you will provide the necessary care and it will grow beautiful and impress with its kind.

Of course, like all citrus fruits and all other plants, mandarin is unpretentious, but it still requires

Certain farming rules. The most important condition is to have a lot of sunlight. For light-fingered mandarin, intensive light is needed from 12 hours a day throughout the year.

It also needs good humidity. In the summer you need to be watered thoroughly, in the winter you can reduce watering, but make sure that the soil does not dry up. In addition, mandarin leaves are sprayed with filtered or boiled clean water. To compensate for the dryness of the air, you can even put the mandarin in a small room with a fountain to moisten the air further.

With the growth of mandarin wood, it must be moved to a larger pot. This is best to happen in the late winter and early spring. You have to take a pot of 3-5 cm in diameter more than the previous one. When moving the tree, keep as much of the old finger as possible so as not to damage the root system.

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A period of active growth begins within a few weeks after the transfer. Such periods will be repeated several times during the spring and summer season. During this period a week or two, you need to feed the mandarin with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Mandarins grow only up to 1.5 meters at home and they are tiny trees that fit perfectly into the interior, even without fruit. When the trees are full of aromatic flowers and then with bright fruits, they attract special attention, radiating beauty and admiration.

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