Searching for an in-feed sea lice vaccine
A project to develop a pioneering oral vaccine to protect salmon from sea lice has just been launched in Scotland.

The first smolts from Scottish Sea Farms’ new GBP 55 million (USD 72.3 million, EUR 65.3 million) Barcaldine Hatchery, located on the shores of Loch Creran

A coalition of Norwegian fish farmers has formed a new partnership which will ensure that their feeds contain an algal ingredient that will help them improve

Three new viruses – including one type that has never previously infected fish – have been identified in populations of both wild and farmed salmon

Diets containing a mixture of plant oil and fish oil can stimulate both salmon and humans to produce their own long chain omega-3 fats

A cohort study of commercial salmon farms in Norway explores different prevention and treatment strategies for salmon lice and finds that habituated cleaner

Experts from the Scottish aquaculture industry, academia & veterinary diagnostics, are aiming to develop a new early warning system for cardiomyopathy syndrome

Adding β-glucan to the diets of farmed trout may support weight gain, fish performance and feed efficiency while reducing symptoms of enteritis, say researchers

Veterinarians from RUDN University in Moscow, Russia, have developed a way to increase the resistance of carp one of the most common fish raised

A cohort study of commercial salmon farms in Norway explores different prevention and treatment strategies for salmon lice and finds that habituated cleaner

Scientists will now research whether these viruses are passing between farmed and wild fish.

A company that uses a pioneering egg-sorting system to guarantee at least a five percent improvement in growth rates, as well as improvements in feed efficiency

The tide is turning for recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and this emerging technology has the potential to change the face of aquaculture over

Supplementing finishing diets for farmed tilapia with soybean oil may boost fish growth and the nutritional value of products generated, researchers say.

The debate over whether brown trout (Salmo trutta) constitute a single species or several may soon be resolved, following the completion of the brown trout

A new report shows that between 2012 and 2016 an increasing amount of terrestrial raw materials are used in salmon feeds.

Supplementing Nile tilapia diets with propolis extract may improve fish survival and growth during cold stress conditions, say researchers.

A series of new studies suggest that a form of protein extracted from wood has significant potential as a replacement for fishmeal in aquafeeds.

Tilapia can consume this microbial biomass, which can substitute for protein in the formulated ration, thereby increasing overall efficiency of protein

A new study has compared the feed cost differences between high-fat and high-protein diets used in salmon farming and finds that high-protein diets