Tropical, subtropical marine fish hatchery technology needs improvement
Anybody working with hatchery technology and the larviculture production of tropical and subtropical marine fish species knows too well that the devil is in the

The aquaculture industry’s promising future will not come without challenges. Sustainability will accompany the goal of long-term profitability.

The first half of the second day of the conference highlighted research efforts to improve our understanding of trout and salmon production in closed-containmen

Tilapia given the medicated feed additive, sulfamethazine, may need a 10-day withdrawal window to ensure safe residue levels, say researchers.

The past five years have created a near-perfect storm of circumstances that has encouraged industry improvements and interest in closed-containment systems.

In the near-to-mid-term, it seems likely that salmon farming will continue to be chiefly based in the coastal areas it has traditionally inhabited.

Adding yeast or plant extracts to salmon feed may improve fish responses during stressful periods, say researchers.

DNA-supplemented feed may offer an efficient method of mass vaccination for farmed Atlantic salmon facing disease challenges, say researchers.

Biofloc technology is a water quality management strategy that requires adding a carbon source – such as sugars, glycerol or complex carbohydrates

Farmed fish facing a bacterial challenge may see a survival and performance support from feed supplemented with curcumin, say researchers.'

Fish experiencing mercury contamination may see short-term changes in feeding behavior and longer-term biochemical alterations, say researchers.

Aquaculture can do more than just produce fish for market. It can also be a force for positive social change in parts of the world where economic growth

Farmed pacu facing disease and stress challenges may see immune and production benefits from feeds supplemented with aloe vera, say researchers.

Farmed tilapias contribute prominently to global seafood supplies, with sustained and increasing annual production in many countries around the world.

Several ingredients are used in the aquafeed industry, but proteins and lipids of marine origin (i.e., fish meal and oil) are considered some of the most import

Tilapias are widely cultured in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. They are the most diversified species geographically

Scaring or frightening methods to control piscivorous species of birds use sight and/or sound stimuli to discourage birds from remaining at a site

Several species of predatory birds can cause substantial fish losses in commercial tilapia farms, but because some bird species are protected by law

Inside tanks filled with cool water in southern Ohio are female yellow perch mating with other female yellow perch and male bluegills with other male bluegills

Annotated genome of California yellowtail could be first step in its sustainable aquaculture harvest.