Heat stress alters mammary gland, dairy calf performance
Lack of cooling during summer may reduce milk yield of lactating cows by 20 lb. per day.

When dairy cow water beds first appeared in the late 1990s, it was understood that it’s important for a cow to lie down, but mostly, cow beds were simply

A set of new, online tools is aimed at making information about nutritional components in cattle feed and the economic value of feed or feed ingredients more

Scientists now have in vivo evidence that Asparagopsis seaweed can reduce methane emissions from dairy cows, providing further support for the use of this

Adding sodium acetate, but not calcium butyrate, to the diets of dairy cows may improve milk fat yield and concentration, say researchers.

Increased cattle production in Brazil may raise the risk of deforestation to meet feed needs; however, increasing industry transparency and cattle tracking

A study by an international consortium of researchers has found that revised methane emissions conversion factors for specific regions are expected to improve

Livestock emissions are a considerable contributor to greenhouse gas emissions however, until recently, there has been no commercial, scalable solution

Study pinpoints 19 genes linked with feed efficiency, which could help reduce carbon footprint of cattle farming.

Competition from volatile grain prices and recreational land uses in Iowa has reduced pasture and forage area by more than 2 million acres -- an 88% decrease

Research at New Mexico State University's value-added agriculture center examining use of chili pepper byproducts to treat inflammation in livestock.

Seven-day forecast shows above-average temperatures in parts of Nebraska and Iowa, with heat indexes that will reach critical heat stress emergency.

A recently announced project is studying the effectiveness of grazing sheep on solar farms, keeping weeds and vegetation under control beneath

Cyanobacteria is toxic to livestock and other animals, according to Kansas State veterinarian.

Although developed for use in any species, new breeding parameter was tested in dairy cattle because of the volume and quality of available data.

In any cattle operation, whether it is a feed lot setting or a cow/calf operation, various factors are important when considering how to maintain animal health

Heritable subset of core rumen microbiome dictates dairy cow productivity and emissions, according to new research.

Supplementing dairy cow diets with organic selenium during a heat stress challenge may limit oxidative stress damage, boost milk yield and improve total

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is one of the most significant illnesses affecting the health of preweaned calves.

Study indicates cows with more bedding, especially those in long stalls, tend to be more comfortable.