Cow Health: Diarrhoea in Calves (Scours)

Calf scours is a broad, descriptive term referring to diarrhoea in calves. Calf scours is not a specific disease but the clinical sign of a disease complex with many possible causes.
Scours occurs when normal movement of water into and out of the digestive tract is disrupted, resulting in water loss and dehydration. Loss of body fluids through diarrhoea is accompanied by loss of body salts which can lead to severe depression in the calf and eventual death.
Non- infectious diarrhoea(nutritional scours): Caused by changes to the feeding program. not usually severe enough to cause death, non-infectious diarrhoea can weaken the calf and make it more susceptible to infectious diarrhoea. Temperature: normal 38-39.5oC.
Infectious diarrhoea: Caused primarily by viruses, bacteria and protozoa. Identifying the infectious agent causing diarrhoea is an important part of developing a sound prevention program. Temperature: fever 39.5-42oC.
Mild to moderate diarrhoea: Continue milk feed and add electrolyte directly to milk diet, plus water ad lib.
Moderate/severe diarrhoea:
Day 1: Electrolyte AM, milk lunch time electrolyte PM
Day 2: Milk AM, electrolyte lunchtime, milk PM
Day 3: as above or back to milk.
- Isolate to sick bay immediately
- For infectious diarrhoea consult your vet
- Oral electrolyte is easy to feed and successful in treating diarrhoea
- All calves (even those being treated) need to have clean, fresh ad-lib access to water
- Home brew mixes: rarely are home brew electrolyte mixes effective, as most lack enough of the vital ingredients of salts and energy
- Clean beddind area regularly.
Electrolyte Solution
- 10g NaCl (common salt)
- 5g NaHCO3 (bicarbonate of soda)
- 250g glucose (or dextrose)
- 5 litres warm water.
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