A genetic solution for tackling white spot syndrome virus in shrimp
How genomic selection can rapidly increase the resistance of whiteleg shrimp to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) – one of the most costly diseases in the global

Biosecurity is a concept for preventing disease infection and preventing the disease from spreading across boundaries

Advice on how to avoid major shrimp losses from early mortality syndrome (EMS) – one of the most devastating diseases to hit shrimp aquaculture in the last

Since the outbreak of EMS/AHPND in 2012, Thai shrimp production has experienced a significant loss. Total production fell by 54 percent between 2009 and 2014

Sampling allows farmers to understand shrimp growth and adjust the feed regime, preventing overfeeding and underfeeding

Shrimp farming isn't easy - but getting the basics right can keep your ponds productive and disease-free.

An understanding of the chemistry at play in an RAS is also useful, as it helps to decide where and how to minimise risks.

Recirc systems are one of the boom areas in aquaculture at the moment, with new facilities being designed and built all over the world

The use of growth-enhancing astaxanthin krill oil in the post-larval diet of shrimp could shorten the production cycle and reduce mortality

When using a nursery phase pond, the transfer to grow-out is an opportunity to accurately estimate biomass in a way unachievable in grow-out ponds

As part of the on-going series on The Fish Site, the shrimp farming experts at Alune outline the current techniques for measuring shrimp biomass

Bacteriophages can prove an effective alternative to the use of antibiotics to tackle Vibrio infections in shrimp aquaculture, according to a new study.

In order to prevent ammonia issues in shrimp ponds, proper management is needed to keep the concentration below the maximum threshold or lethal concentrations.

Ammonia is nitrogenous waste produced from feed input and microbial decomposition of organic matter in water columns.

White Spot Disease (WSD), also known as infection with White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV), is a highly contagious viral disease of prawns that causes high rates

Interest in tank-based shrimp production systems has been increasing in recent years in North America and Europe, while it's also slowly gaining traction

A new diagnostic tool that can detect a range of aquatic pathogens, including DIV-1, between two and four weeks before clinical signs are apparent to shrimp

Increasing demand for specialty feeds has stimulated the increase and growth of specialty ingredients that enhance the quality of feeds.

In an aquaculture system, shrimp and microorganisms share the same aquatic medium; thus, the intestinal microbial community interacts directly with planktonic

Ralf Onken, head of software development at FAI, explains how working with shrimp producers to manage key performance and sustainability metrics can improve