Biomin brings probiotics to hatchlings by giving them a gel shower
Biomin has added to its range of water-soluble probiotic gel drops that protect chicks in their first days and stimulates feeding behavior

Embryo development of egg-type chickens affected by not only hen but also rooster and incubation temperature.

Adding vitamins A and E to the diets of laying hens exposed to high temperatures can support egg production, bird health and feed conversion, say researchers.

APR research farm will operate independently, serving entire poultry industry.

Adding levels of broccoli byproduct meal to the diets of laying hens may support bird intake, weight and egg production while improving egg yolk color

Supplementing mature layer hen feed with grape pomace flour when they experience heat stress may improve feed intake, bird production and egg quality following

Blending ginger and Chinese herbal medicine may support feed intake and egg production in heat stressed layers in place of antibiotic use, say researchers.

Adding lauric acid to poultry feed may boost poultry growth, weight gain and support bird health when used as an antibiotic replacement, say researchers.

In an effort to help poultry producers address the challenge presented by salmonella, Arm and Hammer has designed a multi-prong feed additive program

Accessory protein in avian influenza viruses able to shut down chicken immune response and increase length of time virus can be transmitted.

Ocean Harvest Technology is looking to boost the use of seaweed-based feed additives to support producers interested in curbing or cutting the use of antibiotic

The basic concept of in-ovo feeding is to supplement the amniotic fluid, which is the first meal of a chick before it hatches, in order to provide nutritional

Method isolates novel phosphatases and phytases from complex environmental samples.

Adding additional dietary phytase may boost chicken performance and feed conversion when in-feed levels have lower levels of digestible amino acids

An eubiotic, essential oil-based feed additive may boost gut health, feed conversion and broiler chicken response to necrotic enteritis for producers working

New method called more efficient, cost effective than previous systems for producing drugs from modified goats, rabbits and chickens.

Adding betaine to broiler chick feed may improve nutrient loss and reduce gut inflammation in the post-hatch period, say researchers.

In-ovo feeding of broiler chicks, though still not widely adopted by the poultry industry, is generating a lot of interest.

Millions of day old male chicks will no longer need to be gassed following the launch of a market-ready method for identifying the gender in hatching eggs.

Fermented feeds are underused in broiler nutrition, compared to practice in the pig sphere, and further research is required to exploit such feed as a viable