Water can be the hidden problem in poor broiler performance
Drinking water for poultry flocks can be a hidden and under-diagnosed problem in poor flock performance.

It may surprise many farmers that not all nematodes (eelworms) are harmful to crops.

China is seeing exceptionally high poultry prices due to the shift from pork to poultry as a result of the worsening situation with African Swine Fever (ASF)

As disease control options become more limited, proper consideration of nutrition is gaining in importance.

It is time for some self-reflection and to ask ourselves a few difficult questions about public trust in poultry production and animal welfare.

Results also indicated that dietary dilution with wheat did not reduce weight gain or feed efficiency

O&T Farms is tracking the use of omega-3-based feed additives in breeding poultry feeds to understand what implications maternal nutrition may have

Addressing issues at production and consumption levels is needed if the supply of eggs in Africa is to be increased.

Camera and vision techniques to identify and monitor individual animals in a group still need improvement.

Poultry activity, or behavior, has not received as much research attention as other areas when considering performance

Cargill conducting pilot using machine learning to analyze chicken vocalizations.

Adding sunflower meal to layer diets may lower manure-based emissions of hydrogen sulfide, and improve intestinal microflora, say researchers.

Supplementing broiler diets with an enzyme blend may improve bird growth and energy use while adding rice bran could increase gizzard weight and be a cheaper

Poultry companies must be aware of recent extreme measures taken by animal rights groups and how to protect their farms.

New research shows feed additive may be able to stop the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza through animal feed.

Researchers used innovative technique to study innate immune response to Newcastle disease virus in two breeds of chickens.

Feeding excess protein is a common practice to keep feed cost low, but it ends up robbing profitability from the back door, as it reduces broiler productivity

A proposed organic check-off program is supposed to support promotion and research, but will it benefit organic poultry and eggs producers?

Proof of concept shows value-added products could be recovered after separation utilizing a commercial hydrophobic adsorbent.

U.K. research shows moisture content at harvest and presence of fungus can affect performance of broilers consuming the grain