Transferring salmon sector know-how to the tropics

A new project is looking for partners to apply some of the salmon sector’s successful disease management methodologies to shrimp, tilapia and pangasius farms.

Fish disease guide - Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (Red Spot Disease) Fish disease guide - Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (Red Spot Disease)

Red Spot Disease is a seasonal epizootic condition of great importance in wild and farmed freshwater and estuarine fish.

Fish disease guide - Spring Viraemia of Carp Fish disease guide - Spring Viraemia of Carp

Spring viraemia of carp (SVC) is an infectious viral disease of carp (Cyprinus carpio) and other cyprinid fish species.

Stress linked to slow healing in salmon Stress linked to slow healing in salmon

Stress slows wound healing in salmon, according to new research undertaken by Nofima scientist Lene Sveen at Nofima.

Functionality of yeast fractions in aqua feed: Lallemand exploring the use of functional Functionality of yeast fractions in aqua feed: Lallemand exploring the use of functional

Functionality of yeast fractions in aqua feed: Lallemand exploring the use of functional feeds in salmonids

A clean break for Chilean aquaculture A clean break for Chilean aquaculture

Although lagging behind Norway, research into the use of Pacific cleaner fish species to combat lice issues is showing some promise.

Slim pickings for salmon sector Slim pickings for salmon sector

The REC committee concluded that the social and economic benefits of the salmon industry were being offset by environmental and fish welfare issues

Immunostimulant additive may boost fish mass, disease survival Immunostimulant additive may boost fish mass, disease survival

Feed additives with immunostimulant properties may provide a survival boost to farmed fish facing a disease challenge and improve biomass, say researchers.

Effects of combining two exogenous carbohydrases on growth of Nile tilapia Effects of combining two exogenous carbohydrases on growth of Nile tilapia

Large amounts of energy-yielding nutrients in plant-based feed ingredients are located in the aleurone layer (which surrounds the endosperm tissue of grass seed

With animal welfare an emerging consumer concern, fish farmers take stock With animal welfare an emerging consumer concern, fish farmers take stock

Humane treatment of farm animals has become a larger blip on consumers’ radars; the topic is also the subject of growing media and academic interest

Chelating propionic acid with calcium may support catfish growth, survival Chelating propionic acid with calcium may support catfish growth, survival

Chelating propionic acid with calcium may boost the growth, feed efficiency and survival rate of farmed silver catfish facing disease challenge, say researchers

Comparing biofloc, clear-water and hybrid RAS systems as tilapia nurseries Comparing biofloc, clear-water and hybrid RAS systems as tilapia nurseries

This study examined differences in fish performance and water quality dynamics between biofloc, clear water and hybrid systems as nurseries for tilapia.

Feeding strategy speeds growth in Arctic charr, growth enhancing practices for farmed fish Feeding strategy speeds growth in Arctic charr, growth enhancing practices for farmed fish

Improved understanding of refeeding and compensatory growth response in raised Arctic charr may provide new ways to enhance the growth of farmed fish

Infection with Infectious Spleen and Kidney Necrosis Virus (ISKNV) Infection with Infectious Spleen and Kidney Necrosis Virus (ISKNV)

Important: Animals with disease may show one or more of the signs below, but the pathogen may still be present in the absence of any signs.

Aquaculture in action: in-pond innovation doubles tilapia production in Egyptian trials Aquaculture in action: in-pond innovation doubles tilapia production in Egyptian trials

In the face of rising production costs and limited land and water availability, Egyptian fish farmers are looking for new ways to achieve higher productivity

Probiotics to boost immune fitness and gut health Probiotics to boost immune fitness and gut health

Despite growing trends in probiotic use, their application in aquafeeds has been constrained by the aggressive feed manufacture process,

Fusarium mycotoxins continue to be the main threat to Southeast Asian aquaculture Fusarium mycotoxins continue to be the main threat to Southeast Asian aquaculture

In the recent issue of the World Mycotoxin Journal, Biomin experts, led by Rui A Gonçalves, reveal the most recent conclusions of their survey study on plant

Breeding breakthrough can combat CMS Breeding breakthrough can combat CMS

Salmon farmers can hope to reduce the number of mortalities caused by cardiomyopathic syndrome (CMS), following the discovery of genetic markers that should all

Lumpfish threatened by salmon sector Lumpfish threatened by salmon sector

Lumpfish – which are currently largely derived from eggs obtained from wild-caught broodstock – are widely stocked in salmon farms in order to remove parasitic

Super grouper: advances in RAS production in Asia Super grouper: advances in RAS production in Asia

Despite being overfished in China and South East Asia, a suite of advances in sustainable aquaculture of a number of grouper species is bringing benefits

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