Which Flowers Chase Enemies On Vegetables!

Flowers bring delight to our eyes and soul, but gardeners are practical people and they are able to combine the useful with the pleasant.
It is known that the main function of flowers is to attract insects – pollinators, but some of them are able to expel unwanted guests – pests and disease-causing microorganisms.
Torto (taghetis)
This very popular plant is a favorite of gardeners. Tagages bloom long and are not pretentious to care. The colors of the maple release phytoncides that repel nematodes and other small soil worms on potatoes and tomatoes. The planting of this flower on the periphery of the berry plantations protects the strawberries. If you make a bed with a taggy to the onions with cabbage and cabbage, then these vegetables will cease to suffer onion fly, caterpillars, and cabbage butterfly. The decoction from the turtle is used against leaf aphids on legumes and fruit bushes. For the preparation of the decoction, it is necessary to cut the stems and the colors and to fill half a bucket with this mixture. Burn over hot water and stay for two days. Then drain the liquid and add 40 grams of liquid soap and sprinkle the damaged plants. In addition, this mixture can decontaminate the gladiolus bulbs. In the autumn, the stems and the blossoming flowers are cut and buried in the gardens. In this way, you will strengthen the soil in your garden and prevent the development of the fungal sprouts that fusarium often develops.
This perennial plant is often considered a weed and is usually removed from the gardens. But there are also small varieties of tansy, which can be transformed not only into the flower bed ornament but also to the defenders of harmful insects. The essential oil of this plant contains substances that are toxic to some pests. The sharp smell of the tusk is not the taste of the Colorado beetle, the white cabbage butterfly, the fly, the snakes and various mites. The milled dried colors are used to fight the moth on the gooseberry and currant. The tiger is not pleasing to the ants, so it is recommended to plant at both ends of the rows. To preserve apple from apple fruit worm, tansy is planted around tree trunks.
The wonderful marigold has long been helping gardeners in the difficult struggle with pests. Nevena was often planted by our grandmothers in the potato rows because it chased a Colorado Neck. If the marigold is sown between the rows of cabbage, peppers, and tomatoes because they protect them from ticks and nematodes. The marigold rising to strawberries saves them from aphids, as the enemies are transported on the flower. If you see that the stalks of marigold are literally blackened by aphids, do not panic – flea lice will remain on the lamb and strawberry shrubs will not be affected. Pheasant phytoncans chase caterpillars of asparagus, caterpillars and many species of aphids. The proximity of marigolds to perennial asters prevents the development of bush diseases. Generally, marigold prevents the spread of fungal diseases, treats the earth and is an excellent green manure.
The brilliant lovely latinka is also ready to go to help with the fight against harmful insects. Several leeks in the rows of cabbage protect from the whitewash. And the made bed of latinas at the entrance of the greenhouse protects the tomatoes. Latin is a desired neighbor of peonies, protecting them from the development of fungal diseases. Plant latinca under the cherries and apricots. So it will be their pest protector, but it will also become a great fertilizer if you dig directly around the stems. The stems and leaves of the latin are ideal for nesting in nests when planting potatoes because they protect the soil from the growth of fungi causing potato photoptarmosis.
Mushroom mosquito
Mushroom is a favorite wrist for balconies and windows and, as many have established, well defends homes and gardens from harmful insects. It turns out that the fungus disinfected the premises. Its special aroma is not tolerated by pests of fruit bushes, so it is good to plant a fly directly between the plants or put pots with the flower. In this way, strawberries, raspberries, and other apple trees can be preserved. The muscatel also chases the flies, so some pots at the very entrance of the house are not unnecessary.
Blooming petunia is a favorite of florists, but some insects prefer to stay away from them. Petunias are practically opposed to all pests and diseases of legumes. Additionally, the magnificent flower can save radishes, turnip, dawn, and Peking sprouts from cruciferous fleas. In addition, petunia protects asthma from fusariosis.
The aroma of lavender is gentle and pleasant, but it does not relish the veil and vegetables. It is well-known that moths do not tolerate this odor, so a plant stem is a desirable guest in the wardrobe in winter.Ants, aphids and naked snails do not fall on the aromatic shrubs that can also find their place in the vegetable garden.
We wish you success and rich harvest!
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