Neolamarckia Cadamba becomesTuyen Quangs potential forest tree

Neolamarckia Cadamba (Cadamba) is a potential crop to push the forest economy which is considered as a prominent strength of Tuyen Quang province.
Cadamba trees are researched and grown in trials in forest area in Tuyen Quang. Photo: Dao Thanh.
The Department of Science and Technology of Tuyen Quang province has been conducting a growing trial of Cadamba trees combining with a research on this type of tree under the project : Research on propagating from seeds and growing trials of Neolamarckia Cadamba trees on forestry land. The first phase will be conducted from January 2020 to December 2021.
To understand the growth potential and adaptability of Cadamba trees, the Department of Science and Technology of Tuyen Quang province is collaborating with Tuyen Binh Forestry One Member Company Limited to sow seeds in the company's nursery. As a result, 50,000 out of 52,000 seedlings survive and grow of which 14,800 seedlings are grown in trials in the concentrated forest under the project; 35,200 seedlings are supplied to the market.
Deputy director of Tuyen Binh Forestry One Member Company Limited Bui Thu Thuy said the company conducted a growing trial of 9 hectares of cadamba trees at two density levels including 5.5 hectares with a density of 1,600 trees per hectare and 3,5 hectares with a density of 1,339 trees per hectare. The trees were planted at plots in Doang Forestry Unit, Kien Thiet commune, Yen Son district, Tuyen Quang province. This is a place with a high-density of cadamba trees growing in the wild.
As a result, after one year of planting trial, in the model with a density of 1,600 trees per hectare, cadamba trees thrived with an average trunk diameter reached 4.5 cm, top height was 2.5 meter on average. In the model with a density of 1,330 hectares per hectare , cadamba trees were well-grown and well developed. Average trunk diameter reached 5.0 cm and top height was 2.3 meter.
However, there were some certain difficulties during the research such as: seeds are too small, in the germination stage, the tree are too weak, so it's necessary to cover them carefully if not they may face the premature death. Optimal conditions for the growth of cadamba trees is the soil with high humidity. The trees grow slowly in the arid regions
Cadamba tree have growing cycle of 6-8 years, the same as acacia trees which are planted commonly in the forest land in Tuyen Quang. Cadamba tree has straight cylindrical bole. The wood is light yellow with even texture, coarse and long fibers without distinct smell, easy to process, quick dry. The wood can be used to make houseware, carts, decorations. It's also a source of raw materials for medium density fiberboard and paper making.
Nguyen Dai Thanh, Director of Department of Science and Technology of Tuyen Quang province said the research of concentrated afforestation with native cadamba trees aimed to assess the growth ability and suggest technical measures for mass production.
The successful implementation of the model will add indigenous forest cultivars and timber trees to the afforestation structure which is expected to bring high economic benefits for Tuyen Binh Forestry One Member Company Limited and surrounding areas; helping the province be proactive in source of seeds, seedlings for planting and production.
Cadamba seedlings and timber will be put up for sale at the market inside and outside the province, meeting the demand for timber from processing companies such as An Hoa Paper Joint Stock Company, Woodland Company Limited and other wood processing facilities in the province.
Tuyen Quang ranks third nationwide for its forest coverage ratio. In addition to natural forest area, the province has over 140,700 hectares of planted forest for raw materials, mainly acacia and eucalyptus trees.
However, recently some areas of acacia forest has been attacked by fungal diseases due to planting and exploiting wood for many consecutive years. The success of the research of Neolamarckia Cadamba will open a new choice for forest growers to rotate this type of tree with acacia and eucalyptus which are intensively grown for too long.
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