How biotech crops can crash- and still never fail
The U.N. Food Systems Summit put biotechnology at center stage, although agroecological innovations offer greater promise for sustainability.

Gardening season has wrapped up for most people, but there are always questions. For answers, turn to Ask an Expert, an online question-and-answer tool

LED lights are flashing to match world flags from around the world, a nod to the international visitors in Scotland. A robot is whizzing around the place

Securing the future of food, a constant weight on the food and agriculture industry, has always been core to the mission of Puris.

There’s a reason why lettuce is one of the most popular hydroponic crops for both beginners and experts alike.

The Southern Horticultural Research Institute has introduced a new bio-organic fertilizers composting process utilizing discarded dragon fruit branches.

Most people associate leeks with soup. For this reason, many of my farmer clients grow them only for inclusion in winter soup packs. But leeks have many other

Before planting a land to any of the cucurbits, you should kill off all broad-leaved weeds nearby, preferably well beforehand.

Also known as corn, maize was first domesticated in southern Mexico nearly 10 000 years ago. Many varieties have been bred to suit a range of conditions.

With no-till farming, you need to try to gradually increase the organic content of the soil.

Company representatives often bombard farmers with products claimed to increase yield at little cost.

Suggested application rates for some common crops, including tomatoes and potatoes.

Readers frequently ask me for specific fertiliser programmes for their crops. I would happily oblige if all crops were the same!

In contrast, in a chemically based system, the interaction between the minerals becomes critical and complex, and a farmer needs a great deal of experience

Here are some guidelines for growing vegetables under drought conditions.

Late-planted feed crops in the US may see harvest challenges from weather, moisture levels, drying costs and quality, says analyst.

Continuing with our discussion of the soil analysis, we now come to phosphorous (P).

The pH of soil is a reflection of its acidity or alkalinity. In the absence of base minerals such as calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and sodium (Na)

This year has been designated the International Year of Soils by the United Nations, so it’s a fitting time to learn more about the properties of soil

Generally, the price per hectare of farmland does not vary much across a region, but the land’s true value does vary according to its productivity.