22 Vietnamese local pig breeds - Part 5
Vietnam is among the countries with highest biodiversity. According to statistics, Vietnam has dozens of rare and precious pig breeds distributed across

Vietnam is among the countries with highest biodiversity. According to statistics, Vietnam has dozens of rare and precious pig breeds distributed across

Vietnam is among the countries with highest biodiversity. According to statistics, Vietnam has dozens of rare and precious pig breeds distributed across

Vietnam is among the countries with highest biodiversity. According to statistics, Vietnam has dozens of rare and precious pig breeds distributed across

Vietnam is among the countries with highest biodiversity. According to statistics, Vietnam has dozens of rare and precious pig breeds distributed across

Using local anesthesia prior to castration of piglets may lead to other concerns being examined by researchers from Aarhus University.

Results of a new study indicate mixed plant oils can be a more effective energy feed for weanling piglets than diets using soybean oil as the only lipid source.

Change to standard DDGS:corn ratio for growing pigs not recommended unless diets are formulated to specific dietary energy concentration.

Although challenges remain in using electronic sow feeding in the US, such systems can reduce feed waste and allow producers to individualize nutrition

Progress is being made as a research protocol is being established to reliably evaluate efficacy of pain mitigation interventions in nursing male piglets

Prairie Swine Center releases annual report of research results from past year.

About 50% of wean-to-finish sites tested positive with wild type PRRS virus in the 10-month Midwest field study.

EFSA projects very high chance of ASF spreading among southeastern European countries but very low chance of spreading to other EU member states.

Veterinary officials and pork industry conduct exercises to help determine U.S. preparedness levels for foreign animal disease outbreaks.

Another area that needs further research is how much of a risk finishing pigs are to sow farms, Torremorell says.

Feeding increasing amounts of soybean meal may raise net energy value to 105% and 121% of energy provided by corn.

Testing corn for mycotoxins after harvest allows swine producers to implement mitigation strategies.

A meta-analysis of Asia-based research indicates that fermented feed ingredients such as soybean meal or rapeseed meal boost the growth performance of weaner

Work on other swine disease pathogens helps provide valuable information in the battle with PRRS.

Collaborative research projects at Kansas State University and Iowa State University to study virus survival and diagnostic methodologies.