7 Things You Didn’t Know About Tilapia
This little fish is making a big name for itself. Here are a few interesting facts about Tilapia that won’t likely come up at the dinner table.
A recent event which claimed that a new alternative source of omega-3s in aquafeeds is more sustainable than fish oil was “misleading”
New strains of Nile tilapia that are more resistant to disease and more effective at utilizing feed are being developed by WorldFish
A new soy-based aquafeed being developed for farm-raised bluefin tuna has been successfully tested in a project led by the Illinois Soybean Association
If there were a prize for the most unusual exhibit at this year’s Seafood Expo Global in Brussels, it might have gone to Wester Ross Salmon in the Scottish
Why does biosecurity matter? The aquaculture industry is expanding at a rapid pace due to intensive farming strategies and research improvements from the fields
Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) built on land are gaining in popularity, with a slew of modern indoor facilities popping up recently in Poland
At this year’s Seafood Expo North America, leaders from both the aquaculture and aquafeed industries spoke compellingly about the innovations being made
For the first time, both Arctic char and crawfish processors have achieved Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification.
Biotech startup KnipBio is scaling up production of a single-cell organism as a sustainable aquaculture feed ingredient
The U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) demonstrated the Intensive Pond Aquaculture (IPA) system to China’s fish-farming industry
USSEC recently introduced Intensive Pond Aquaculture (IPA) Technology to the Chinese aquaculture industry.
Fish is one of the species that is being farmed since centuries. Due to natural resources, fish became the best and cheapest animal protein consumed worldwide
Canada and the United States may be neighbors, but when it comes to aquaculture in the Great Lakes – Superior, Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Erie
A warning and an improved PCR detection method for tilapia lake virus (TiLV) disease in Thai tilapia farms
As world population and seafood demand continue to increase, intensification of aquaculture is unavoidable while fisheries resources, land and freshwater
This is thought to be a consequence of better control of feeding by personnel, adequate oxygen levels maintained inside the raceways, preventive baths
With the rising costs of fish oil (FO) and limited global supplies, the use of alternative lipid resources in aquafeeds, including tilapia feeds
Roughly 1 billion fish are farmed and slaughtered in the EU each year, according to Compassion in World Farming, an organisation that suggests most are killed
2 years ago, Marine Harvest used 8 million liters of hydrogen peroxide to treat sea lice & amoebic gill disease at its salmon farms along the coast of Scotland