Addressing safety in Latin America’s tilapia supply chain
Successful farmers adopt conservative practices to avoid losses caused by biosecurity problems. With worldwide, increasingly strict export standards for seafood

The intensification of tilapia culture systems has led to this hardy fish being susceptible to various bacterial diseases causing economic losses to tilapia far

The aquaculture industry is increasing its use of plant-based ingredients in its feed and moving away from traditional feed made from fish

Provided that optimum water quality parameters are maintained, white grouper can be a suitable candidate for intensive farming systems.

In RAS, feed conversion, growth rates not impacted. Biomass density affects bass production. Arkansas is the leading producer of food-size

New waterborne challenge model will facilitate urgently needed studies. Virulent Aeromonas hydrophila in channel catfish

Companies like Grieg and Marine Harvest are finding harmony with several native communities.

Seventeen companies vying for contest’s still-growing cash prize. F3 blows past funding goals as fishmeal alternatives proliferate

Joint research between TCFFI, USDA and EWOS uses new diet for post-smolt to food-size fish. Fishmeal-free Atlantic salmon feed formulation shows promise

Digestible protein-digestible energy ratios key to optimizing feeding efficiency. Maximizing nutrition for adult marine fish

Has fish farming reached a turning point in sub-Saharan Africa? Large-scale tilapia project driving aquaculture development in Ivory Coast

Fledgling industry faces technological issues. The pirarucu or pacha (Arapaima gigas) is the largest freshwater fish reared in the Amazon.

Fast-growing species produced via aquaculture since 2009. Soy-based feeds evaluated for production of Amazonian paiche

The importance of carotenoids in aquafeeds. Powdered astaxanthin, a type of carotenoid. Pigments play prominent roles in finfish and shellfish nutrition

Study shows dietary additive potassium diformate improves growth and survival. Improving productivity, efficiency in Asian sea bass aquaculture

Pumps utilized by The Conservation Fund Freshwater Institute have minimal impacts on fish. In testing, sliding the fish by hand into the outlet channel

Products based on peracetic acid (PAA) have gained substantial attention during the last decade as a potential sanitizer to replace formaldehyde

Pigments play prominent roles in finfish and shellfish nutrition. The organic pigments known as carotenoids (also referred to as tetraterpenoids)

A new direction in our understanding of the cause of deformities. Dietary phosphorus is essential for growth and healthy skeletal development of farmed fish

Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in aquafeeds have major influence on LC-PUFA content. The hybrid striped bass is an important aquaculture