How To Prolong Fructification of Cucumbers!
There are several techniques, observing which can be extended for 2-3 weeks and more fructification of cucumbers in the open ground.
Cucumber is the most common vegetable in cottages. Green crispy cucumbers with a delicate aroma of freshness you can indulge in days off and there will be no harm to the body. Pets from the open ground have a special taste, and it seems that with the departure of the heat they will continue to please the harvest for a long time. But in practice, it is the other way around. Without obvious reasons, the wilting of the cucumber lashes begins, and literally by mid-August, the gardeners are left with shriveled bushes of cucumber plants.
Techniques to prolong the fructification of cucumbers in the open ground
Placement of cucumbers in the area
Cucumbers can not stand the winds. Gentle cucumber leaves, even with a light wind, are quickly dehydrated and hang like rags. Shattered leaf blades cease to function. Therefore, they are always sown or planted in seedlings in places protected from the wind, often outside of the culture.
Terms of sowing cucumbers in open ground
To extend the cucumber season, sowing cucumbers in the open ground and on seedlings, conduct better in stages, with a time difference of 10-15 days. Use in this case requires different grades with different maturation periods. Early cucumbers are shown first, starting (depending on the region) from May. Their fruits are used for fresh consumption. Medium cucumbers are usually used for picking, pickling. Late varieties are distinguished by a prolonged maturation period and can form fruits for a long time.
Since the activity of pollinator insects decreases by the autumn, it is better to use self-pollinated hybrids and parthenocarpic beetles, which do not need insect pollinators, to grow late varieties of cucumbers. For each district, it is better to select their zoned varieties and hybrids of cucumbers.
Growing cucumbers on trellises
Features of cucumber engineering
When growing cucumber plants can not thicken. If there are no loose beads, it is possible to plant young seedlings of medium or late varieties and hybrids to the aging bushes, which was grown at a later date.
During fruiting, it is better to feed cucumber plants with organic solutions, 2-3 times a month, with low-concentration solutions, because cucumbers like to accumulate nitrates/nitrites in fruits. Solutions are prepared from chicken manure or manure, dissolving 12 times and 10 times, respectively, in water.
Watering the cucumbers always conduct a warm (+ 18 … + 20 ° C) water under the bush. To prevent water from falling onto the leaves, it is better to water the furrows along the furrows in the aisles, soaking the soil up to 15 cm deep. The soil must be moist, but not filled with water. Mulching is mandatory.
Cucumbers are more practical to grow vertically and must be formed. With this growing, the environmental conditions for plants are optimal. If you grow cucumbers horizontally, leaving all shots on the ground, including stepsons, plants almost half the period of fruiting due to the exorbitant amount of vegetative, not always healthy, biomass.
With the vertical cultivation of cucumbers and timely harvesting, the growth of new fruits is faster. You can clean fruits every day, in a day or two. The more large fruits remain on the bush, the slower the growth of young cucumbers and the quicker grows of the whip and leaf apparatus.
Horizontal cultivation of cucumbers
Seedlings of cucumbers can be grown until the middle of summer. Some truck farmers sow seeds for seedlings even in early August and after 25-28 days they carry it to the beds.
Cucumbers normally fructify and grow, if the temperature does not fall day and night, below + 15 ° С. At a temperature of + 12 ° C, plants begin to fall ill and soon die. Experienced truck farmers such late planting cucumbers spend on pre-prepared warm beds. Use fresh manure, bio-humus and other materials that decompose with the release of heat.
Around the beds are prepared arcs or a house of film. In the afternoon the film is turned off, and the bed is covered for the night. So that the soil on the warmed bed does not overheat and does not damage the roots of plants, the soil “cool” with irrigation, it is better to drop. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature of the soil, avoiding overheating. If drip irrigation is not possible, then cucumbers are watered from the watering can under the root of finely-dropping water spray. In order not to fill the root system with frequent watering, vermiculite can be added to the soil, which will absorb excess moisture.
In the second half of the summer, cooler nights come on more often with moist, cool mornings, so if you do not take protective measures, you can not get a crop. During this period, plants are intensely affected by real and false powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.
To protect cucumbers from diseases you need:
Use zoned, disease resistant varieties,
Carefully remove all old yellow, drying leaves and old, overgrown fruits,
Watering cucumbers only in the morning with warm water. In the August evenings, the air is saturated with moisture.
To process plants once a week with solutions of bio fungicides, using globulin-F, Fitosporin-M and others.
In autumn it is better not to carry out root fertilizing, but to switch to foliar leaves on leaves, using solutions of microelements, wood ash, etc.
By the way, watering should be done with the addition of the same or other soil bio fungicides, which will rid the root system of fungal damage in conditions of constant moistening. All treatments with bio fungicides are carried out in accordance with the recommendations. They can be processed at harvest time, they are harmless to human and animal health.
Cucumber beds
Rejuvenation of cucumber bushes
Experienced truck farmers use the agrotechnical method of rejuvenating cucumber bushes, based on the ability of the culture to develop additional roots on the lashes.
With vertical cultivation, the cucumber strings are carefully removed and the lower part is laid on the soil moistened (not flooded) with rootstock, epine, ecosil solution or other preparation that promotes the rapid development of the roots. The rest of the whip is tied again. The whip on the ground is sprinkled with moistened soil. The entrenched parts of the leaves will improve the nutrition of the plant, and the fruiting will last for a certain period. If cucumbers are grown horizontally, this technique is not used, since the whips lying on the ground are naturally ingrained.
Thus, using different agrotechnical techniques when growing cucumbers in the open ground, you can extend the pleasant cucumber season. In the southern regions – even up to the middle of October, to the north – according to weather conditions, but not less than 2-3 weeks, while meeting the requirements of agricultural technology, taking into account the biological characteristics of the crop.
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