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Diseases of Cattle: BVD - Bovine Virus Diarrhea

Diseases of Cattle: BVD - Bovine Virus Diarrhea
Author: Cattle Today
Publish date: Saturday. December 10th, 2016

BVD (Bovine Virus Diarrhea) infection can cause numerous problems, such as damage to the digestive and immune systems, pneumonia, abortions, calf deformities, and others.  Clinical signs in newborn calves infected with BVD include fever, nasal discharge, diarrhea, and inability to move about normally.

Unfavorable reactions frequently follow the use of modified live virus  BVD vaccines. The risk of these vaccination reactions should be weighed against the probability of losses resulting from BVD infection before a decision is made about using MLV-BVD vaccines. Appropriate recommendations should be made by the attending veterinarian after he has assessed the local BVD situation.

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